dress/ rochie: sheinside
belt/ curea: thrifted/ SH
bag/ geanta: Stradivarius
shoes/ sandale: Jeffrey Campbell
EN: Hello, so sorry for not posting in such a long time, but my life got really chaotic lately. Long story short my husband took his family out from Syria, so now, I’m leaving with my mother-in-law and my sister in law who both are muslim and wearing veil. So, imagine that…
Kisses and hope you’ll all have a great weekend
RO: Imi cer din nou scuze pt faptul ca nu am mai postat de o gramada de timp, dar viata mea s-a dat putin peste cap in ultima perioada. O sa va spun pe scurt, nu de alta dar e unu noaptea si imi pica ochii in gura de somn. Deci…sotul meu si-a scos familia din tot tambalaul din Siria, iar acum locuiesc cu soacra si cumnata, care sunt musulmane  si amandoua poarta batic. Dar stati linistiti, ca lucrurile sunt sub control, nu voi incepe sa postez outfituri din care sa mi se vada doar ochii sau in care sa port o rochita super cute peste bluza si pantaloni. Soacra e ok, nu e extremista si nu prea are treaba ca umblu mai mult dezbracata decat imbracata, ca nu fac mancare si nu calc haine, ca nu-i aduc supusa sotului meu papucii de casa cand ajunge, vezi doamne, obosit de la lucru sau chestii din astea. Singura problema e ca am ramas singura sa am grija de Raian (sotul nu se pune ca mai mult incurca decat ajuta) deoarece mama a plecat, asa ca seara pic franta de oboseala si tot ce vad e patul. De luni o sa-mi vina bona si daca lucrurile decurg conform planului ma voi putea ocupa din nou de blog.
Pozele au fost facute de scumpa mea prietena Renata. Te iubesc si mie tareeeeee dorde tine.
Pupici si va doresc un weekend minunat.

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46 thoughts on “

  1. Iulia Romana says:

    Pfff..spor sa ai, e greu sa fii parinte ca nu este nici un “manual” care sa te invete ce si cum πŸ™‚
    Imi place mult cum te-ai imbracat si ma bucur ca nu ai probleme de mentalitate cu rudele sotului, cred ca atat ti-ar mai lipsi :)) Te asteptam inapoi cand ai timp/ chef sa postezi :*

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow, that is something, living with your muslim relatives must be hars. many times i wonder how christian girls get merried to muslim men, but when love is in the air, reason is nowhere. i hope you will have a great life from now on too. i could not imagine myself being married to an arabic person, but whatever.

    i have a curiosity, your husband doesn.t read your blog. cause it is a bit hard to swallow what you said up there about marriage, family and so on, in your post πŸ™‚

    have a great week.

    • Living_in_aShoe says:

      My husband is living in Romania since he was a child. He doesn’t follow the strict muslim laws, he doesn’t even go to the mosque. He leaves to be a fair man, but he things the muslim law is nonsens. Sometimes he reads my blog, but he already knows what I write there, he is open minded and I can tell him everything. I’m still a christian, he never asked me to change my religion in order to marry him and I guess that says everything. I couldn’t see my self married with a proper muslim either, and I wouldn’t give up my religion, my way of being and my way of thinking for anything, not even for the love of my life.

  3. Marina says:

    Wow o viata chiar interesanta si frumoasa πŸ™‚ Toata tinuta e superba ! πŸ˜€ Cureaua si geanta imi plac mult mult πŸ˜€

    te pup

    (p.s. mersi de sfat , am reusit sa le dau jos cum ai zis , acum incerc sa dau jos lipiciul ce a ramas ;)) )

    O zi de luni superba !!!

  4. Miss Z says:

    Super cureaua. Am crezut ca e MOSCHINO , dar apoi am citit FASHION:)). Ah,da..si geanta!!E super!:D
    Acum am citit pe profilul tau ca esti inginer. hi5..si eu :)). Dar acum fac o specializare diferita! Hihi !

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