De ce iubesc primavara


Beige and blue look great together in a spring outfit

Beige and blue look great together in a spring outfit

beige hat

Thank you for the amazing pictures Adriana!

Thank you for the amazing pictures Adriana!

de ce iubesc primavaratrench coat:  | shirt: similar HERE | shorts: DIY | bag: Zara | sandals: Musette



Daca ar fi dupa mine, am avea un singur anotimp tot anul si ma gandesc ca stiti deja care anume. Da, chiar asa, primavara! Cu siguranta nu m-as plictisi niciodata de pomii infloriti sau de vremea superba si cum nu sunt un mare fan al statului la plaja, cu siguranta nu as duce lipsa verii.  De ce iubesc primavara? La fel ca toata lumea: pentru vremea perfecta, pentru florile minunate, pentru ziua libera de 1 Mai,  dar pe langa acestea va voi enumera si cateva motive mai personale pt. care ador acest sezon:

1. sa-l vad pe baietelul meu jucandu-se in curte si bucurandu-se de vremea minuntata;

2. pomii infloriti pe care ii vad la tot pasul prin oras si care imi fac drumul mult mai placut;

3. vaza plina cu liliac din sufragerie;

4. faptul ca port sa-mi port haina descheiata si sa las sa se vada straturile de haine de sub ea.

5. somnul de pranz cu geamurile deschise si corul de pasarele in fundal.

6. in fiecare primavara eu si sotul meu evadam intr-un city brake, vremea fiind perfecta pt hoinarit si lenevit la terase. Anul acesta am fost in Istanbul si abia astept sa vad unde vom ajunge la anu’.



If I were God for one minute all I would say is “Let is be spring for ever and ever, till the end of the world” and humans would live happily ever after. I think I would never get tired of the blooming trees and the beautiful whether, and since I’m not a big fan of laying in the sun I’m sure I wouldn’t miss summer.

There are tons and tons of reasons to love spring but here are some of my personal ones:

1. seeing my son playing in the garden and enjoying the beautiful weather;

2. The blooming trees scattered all over the city;

3. the vase full of lilac flowers from my living room;

4. being able to wear my coat unbuttoned – I find that so stylish

5. me and my husband use to go in a city brake every spring, this year we went to Istanbul.

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